Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

Re: I am confused;/Gian
Re: I am confused;/Gian/Wayne
Re: $/Wayne/Trades
Re: I am confused
Re: I am confused;/Gian
ISDA says GREECE experienced 'CREDIT EVENT' *(XEU) *PIC*
SPX Up For 11th Week in a Row Warning
Re: SPX Up For 11th Week in a Row Warning
Corn Repeating Cycle Is History Now *PIC*
Re: Corn Repeating Cycle Is History Now
IMF's Lagarde hails Greek debt swap *(XEU)* *PIC*
U.S. Jan. trade gap largest since Oct. 2008 *PIC*
U.S. economy generates 227,000 jobs in February
Re: I am confused
China Feb consumer prices up 3.2%, below estimates
OnStar /Trades
Re: OnStar /Trades
Re: OnStar /Trades
Re: OnStar /NTR Lee
Providio’s Daily Futures Market Commentary for 3 *LINK*
Moral Hazard *LINK*
I am confused
Re: I am confused/Gian
Re: I am confused/Gian
Re: I am confused/Gian
Re: I am confused/Gian
Re: I am confused
Re: I am confused
Household debt up for first time since recession
European Central Bank 'Stuff' - *(XEU)* *PIC*
Re: Please be generous
60% of Greek bondholders ready to swap: report
Participation in Greek debt deal over 75%: AP
Greece says 85.8% bondholders accept swap offer
Perfect? At least almost? LOL! *LINK*
Re: Perfect? At least almost? LOL! *LINK*
Re: Perfect? At least almost? LOL!
Re: Perfect? At least almost? LOL!
Re: Perfect? At least almost? LOL!
Re: Perfect? At least almost? LOL!
Re: Perfect? At least almost? LOL!
Re: K corn *PIC*
Re: K Wheat
Re: K Wheat/TIMWAR/Wayne
Re: K Wheat/TIMWAR/Wayne/Lee
Re: K Wheat
Fed weighs new form of quantitative easing: report *PIC*
Trade entry, Minimal risk??/Silverbear/Trades ++
Re: Trade entry, Minimal risk??/Lee
Re: Trade entry, Minimal risk??/Lee/Trades
Re: Trade entry, Minimal risk??/Lee
Re: Trade entry, Minimal risk??/Lee/Trades
Consumer credit surges again in January
Re: K corn
Re: Live Charts/Silverbear Thanks Wayne *NM*
Live Charts
Re: Live Charts/Silverbear
Re: Live Charts/Silverbear
Re: Live Charts/Silverbear
April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout Pt *PIC*
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding Above the Breakout P
Re: April Crude/Still Holding the Breakout/STR
Today: Snap Back Rally Or Bearish Consolidation *LINK* *PIC*
corn-I tried to warn you
Oil trades higher after bullish supply report *XLE *PIC*
U.S. 4th-quarter productivity revised up to 0.9%
February private-sector jobs rise 216K: ADP
Re: Obama says he wants lower gas prices
Truth is more logical than fiction
Re: Obama says he wants lower gas prices
U.S. stocks suffer worst drop this year *SPX* *PIC*
Oil supplies up 4.6 million barrels, API says *PIC*
Obama says he wants lower gas prices
EIA raises retail gasoline price estimates
Emini S&P *PIC*
Re: Latest COT / CRUDE / Silverbear / XEG *PIC*
Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up / lee/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up/STR/TOM
Re: Ng 7-10 set up/STR/TOM
Re: Ng 7-10 set up/STR/TOM
Re: Ng 7-10 set up/STR/TOM
Re: Ng 7-10 set up/STR/TOM
Re: Ng 7-10 set up/STR/TOM
Re: Ng 7-10 set up/STR
Re: Ng 7-10 set up #2/STR
Re: Today ???/Trades ++/Lee/Symour
Re: Today ???/Trades ++/Doc
IIF warns of massive Greek default fallout: report
Re: IIF warns of massive Greek default fallout: re